
Monday, May 20, 2024

The Art of Agorism: How to Practice Counter-Economics in Your Daily Life

Greetings, fellow freedom-seekers! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of agorism, a

philosophy and practice that aims to create a freer society by engaging in voluntary exchanges and counter-economics. If you're tired of the status quo and want to live a life that minimizes your entanglement with the government, this post is for you.

What is Agorism?

Agorism is a social philosophy that advocates for a society based on voluntary exchanges and the creation of a free-market anarchist system. It was developed by philosopher Samuel Edward Konkin III in the 1970s. The term "agorism" comes from the Greek word "agora," which means "marketplace."

The Counter-Economy: A Brief Overview

The counter-economy is the underground or "black" market where individuals engage in voluntary exchanges without the interference of the state. This includes everything from bartering and using cryptocurrencies to participating in the sharing economy and engaging in other forms of non-coercive trade.

Practicing Agorism in Your Daily Life

Ready to start living the agorist life? Here are some tips and ideas to get you started:

Embrace Cryptocurrencies:
Start using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum for your daily transactions. Not only do they provide a level of anonymity, but they also help you avoid the traditional banking system and its associated fees.

Forget trying to trade in and out of crypto, hoping to flip coins to gain dollars or other government fiat.  Abandon government fiat as much as possible.  Remember, Central Bank currencies are inflationary and are heading to zero eventually.  Don't think about using Bitcoin or Ethereum to make money - they ARE the money.  Use your Federal Reserve Notes to make Bitcoin, not the other way around!

Support the Sharing Economy: Participate in platforms like Airbnb, Uber, and TaskRabbit. These services allow you to share resources and skills with others without the need for government intervention.

Barter and Trade: Get involved in local bartering networks or online platforms that facilitate the exchange of goods and services without the use of traditional currency.

Grow Your Own Food: Start a small garden or join a community garden to grow your own fruits and
vegetables. This will help you become more self-sufficient and reduce your reliance on the government-regulated food industry.

Educate Yourself and Others: Learn more about agorism, voluntaryism, and other related philosophies. Share your knowledge with friends and family to help spread the word about peaceful, voluntary alternatives to the current system.

Engage in Skill-Sharing: Offer your skills and talents to others in exchange for their services or goods. This could include anything from tutoring and web design to carpentry and cooking.

Use Open-Source Software: Opt for open-source software and platforms whenever possible. This not
only supports the free exchange of ideas but also helps you avoid proprietary software that may come with hidden costs and restrictions.

Remember, that agorism is about the free flow of ideas and exchanging actual products and services.  Intellectual Property is generally not incorporated into these ideas as they require constant policing, invasions of privacy, and new definitions to the ideas of theft or property, that are not congruent with a free society.  

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you'll be taking meaningful steps towards living a freer, more voluntaryist existence. Remember, agorism is a journey, and every small action counts. So, go forth and practice counter-economics with a smile on your face and a rebellious twinkle in your eye!

What do you think of this list?  Of course there are many more ways to practice living free that are not included.  What are your favorites?  Leave your ideas in the comments!